The Desktop PC is NOT Dead. Here’s Proof.

None of these machines would seem to have the universal clout and please-everyone approach to displace the iMac, not yet at least.

Apple will also update that all-in-one likely to take up its mantle desktop, considering the Mac Pro hasn’t been updated in more than three years and Apple discontinued its Thunderbolt display line.

But these Windows all-in-one’s illustrate the increased relevance of the desktop pc in the mobile era.

Consumers, more than ever before, are hungry for powerful machines — for art and virtual reality and gaming.

And hardware makers are realizing that a nondescript tower next to a forgettable display pales in comparison to well-designed single machine that represents the ideal of the modern work station.

As you can see, with all the changes in hardware and an increasing consumer appetite fueled by newer, more resource-intensive technology, it may be a while (if ever), before we see the death of the desktop PC.


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